Hair Removal for Grey Hair

Grey hair is a fact of life. When it grows on the scalp, people can color it or pull it out. When it grows on the face and body, has to be done more carefully to avoid injuring the skin.

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Laser Hair Removal of Grey Hair

does not work on . The laser light is reflected by the grey pigment instead of being absorbed and transmitted to the hair follicle where the hair-producing cells are zapped.

Exposing the grey hair to the laser for a longer amount of time won't improve the treatment either, and could potentially cause damage to the skin as more energy is radiated away from the hair shaft.

The good news is that most other hair removal methods will work to get rid of grey body hair but some caution is still necessary.

Waxing Grey Hair

As we get older, grey hair tends to be thinner and more fragile, the skin thinner & more sensitive. Waxing is still an effective option for getting smooth skin but a thicker formulation of the wax may help to avoid breakage of the hair shaft. Broken strands, especially under the skin, can lead to ingrown hairs and sores.

Hot may stick better, and ripping the cloth away may injure the skin. As skin ages, it gets thinner and more prone to damage. And it takes longer to heal and is more vulnerable to infection. Make sure to allow for healing time of the epidermis after the .

Waxing kits are widely available so that you can do it at your convenience, from home.



Electrolysis of Grey Hair

For longer lasting and often permanent results, electrolysis is the way to go.

Instead of using heat from a laser to deaden the hair-producing cells, a tiny electric probe is inserted into each hair follicle and an electric current kills the cells. There's a bit of pain as the metal probe enters the skin and most people experience a pin-prick sensation as the electric jolts zaps the cells.

Using is costly since a skilled technician has to take time to zap every hair follicle. But for long lasting results this method may be worthwhile for some clients.

Most people get the procedure done on the small, highly visible facial areas like the upper lip & eyebrows. The prohibitive cost makes this treatment out of reach for most people to have the larger body parts, like the , legs & .

Hair Removal Creams

Thinner skin is more susceptible to the harsh chemicals of . Depilatory creams work by destroying the proteins of the hair and should only be used on the exterior of the body.

To limit the exposure to these chemicals, look for a product designed for sensitive skin and apply it for the shortest amount of time. Shower immediately after wiping away as much as cream as possible.

Since hair removal creams have to be reapplied frequently, consider a longer lasting method hair removal technique that removes the root from below the surface of the skin.

Epilation of Grey Hair

Avoiding injury to sensitive skin should always be of concern when removing grey hair. The process of epilating unwanted hair is similar to plucking, but these devices from the popular Braun, Panasonic, Emjoi and other manufacturers use rotating disks to pull out multiple hairs at once.

isn't for everyone. This is usually a painful process and the skin can easily be pinched, clipped and injured. Avoid this method if you notice your skin is thinning and becoming more .

Grey hair is a natural part of aging and removing it is an alternative to dying it, especially when it comes to greying body hair. Select a method that works for you while not injuring the tender skin.





About Help for Hair Removal:
This website offers tips on treatment options for both men and women. Learn about the various alternatives for removing unwanted body hair so that you can decide which option you might want to try.