Hair Removal for Arms

First of all, never shave your arms. It may be tempting since the arms offer a large, flat skin surface for which to run the blade, but doing so will result in unsightly, thick and bristly re-growth. Avoid the razor and find another method for . Try one of these other effective hair removal methods instead.

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Hair Removal Creams

Just smear on the cream and then wipe it off a few minutes later, leaving skin smooth and soft. These powerful creams dissolve the hair but only remove it to the surface of the skin. Treatment must be repeated every week or so. Make sure to exfoliate and moisturize the skin regularly since frequent use of can dry and injure the skin.


If you want your arms to be hair-free for longer, you've got to remove the hair by the root. to lessen the chance of injury. Do-it-yourself waxing kits are inexpensive and widely available.

Waxing only works on hair that is at least 1/4" long so you'll have to be furry like a peach for a couple weeks if you want to repeat the process.


If you have a light skin tone, dye the hair to match or complement your skin tone. It's not considered hair removal but it does help to blend the hair color in with your skin tone, making it less noticeable. Bleaching kits are very inexpensive.


Because the pain receptors are less dense on the arms, using an on the arms may be tolerable. Look for an epilator with a skin guard to prevent pinching and go slowly to prevent breakage. Ensure to exfoliate & moisturize the skin between sessions to prevent .

How Many Treatments are Required for Laser Hair Removal on the Arms?

is a longer-lasting, less painful way to achieve hair-free arms. Depending on the thickness of the hair and the speed of re-growth, it may take between three to six treatments to but can result in smooth skin for much longer than that. For some people, the effect is permanent.

Hair removal for the arms is straight-forward, easy and not particularly painful. Just make sure to stay away from shaving your arms!





About Help for Hair Removal:
This website offers tips on treatment options for both men and women. Learn about the various alternatives for removing unwanted body hair so that you can decide which option you might want to try.