How Many Treatments Are Needed for Laser Hair Removal?

Many people consider laser hair removal as an "easy" and semi-permanent way to rid themselves of unwanted hair. But consider this - the results are not immediate and it takes a number of treatments before skin is left smooth and silky and hairless, as most people want. Just are necessary depends on a couple of factors.

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Generally, it can take between 4 to 8 treatments to get maximum results. However, non-medical practitioners are allowed to give treatment in salons and they may not be trained to use the proper settings. Any oversight on their part may cause skin damage, excessive pain or an increased number of treatments. However, the price of using a dermatologist may be too high for many people.

List of Factors That Affect Frequency of Treatment

Color of the Skin

The works best on skin that is light in color. Darker or tanned skin can still undergo the procedure but the power of the laser needs to be reduced. Less power means there's less chance of skin damage but more frequent sessions which will increase the overall cost of treatment.


Color of the Hair

The darker the hair, the better the results. Brown and black hair will conduct the energy down to the hair follicle where the heat will zap the hair producing cells. The darker the hair, the more effective each treatment will be and fewer number of sessions. Laser treatment on , , or won't be effective since those colors tend to reflect the laser light instead of absorb it.

Type of Laser

Before 'going under the laser', patients fill out a questionnaire with the technician or doctor so that they can determine the type of laser (wavelength of the light) that should be used and the duration of exposure. For most people, the longer the wavelength, the less chance there is for skin damage.

Texture of the Hair

Thin hair tends to transmit the most amount of laser energy down to the follicle. An experienced technician will be able adjust the laser for hair removal to account for .

The number of treatments necessary depends in part on how good the technician is at setting the laser parameters.

Risks of Laser Hair Removal

  • Incorrect settings will not result in maximum hair-loss.

  • Using the incorrect laser may put patients at a higher risk of skin damage and burns.

  • Not applying the laser long enough to the skin will require more treatments which results in higher costs.

Tips to Reduce Cost

  • The more lasers the clinic has, the greater the chances that you'll be treated with the safest and most appropriate machine.

  • Ask if the machine is rented. If so, run! This usually means that they only do a few treatments per month and may not have enough training yet. Or they may use the wrong laser on your skin and hair type.

  • laser is a popular at-home unit that may be effective for some people. It has a finite life-span, around 250 cycles, so follow the manufacturer's recommendation to get the best possible usage from the device.

How many treatments for laser hair removal depend on the type skin and hair. It is the responsibility of the clinician or doctor to determine the best technology to use which will maximize results and minimize the number of treatments (and cost). But above all else, patients should spend the time and make the effort to find well-trained individuals before undergoing treatment - treatment will be more effective, and more affordable, too!





About Help for Hair Removal:
This website offers tips on treatment options for both men and women. Learn about the various alternatives for removing unwanted body hair so that you can decide which option you might want to try.