Practical Epilating Tips

Some people swear by hair epilators while others consider a form of self-inflicted torture. To get the best results that last longer, follow these to achieve smooth skin with less pain.

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General Tips

  • The first time, when you're at your hairiest, epilating is going to hurt. The good news is that the more you do it, the less it hurts.

  • Epilating will result in dry skin since the device may abrade the skin ever so slightly. Use a good moisturizer.

  • Epilators do not work on long hair. Consider epilating after another treatment, such as using or .

  • Help the unwanted hair stand up by brushing against the direction of hair growth before epilating.

  • Change the speed of the rotating head to match the thickness of the hair. Coarse leg hair requires a faster speed. Fine hair on the arms can be extracted with a slower setting.

  • Move the device in the direction of hair growth so the hair can be extracted as straight as possible.

  • Use your other hand to stretch the skin and to help the hairs stand up straight.

  • The smooth skin may be red and inflamed after treatment so give yourself a day or two to heal.


Wet Epilation Tips

  • Warm, wet skin is more relaxed, making hair removal less painful. Take a warm bath or shower for 5 minutes to open pores. The hair roots are more easy to dislodge from the follicle when the skin is relaxed.

  • Use a wet epilator that is specifically designed to be submerged in water. These cordless devices are less powerful than dry epilators but are more convenient since they aren't connected to the wall.

  • In the shower, use a foaming shower gel to help lift the hair so it can be more easily grasped by the epilator. A moisturizing gel also helps make the device glide more smoothly over the skin.

  • In the bath, fully submerge the body part so the hair will be lifted by the water.

Dry Epilation Tips

  • A dry epilator is usually more powerful and can epilate faster, which is especially good when doing larger body parts such as the legs. These units are more convenient for seasoned pros but may be painful for novices.

  • Only use on dry skin. Do not apply oil or moisturizing creams. You want the hair to be free to stand up straight instead of being slicked down against the skin.

  • To help the device glide more smoothly, apply talcum powder first.

What Not to Do When Epilating

  • Do not apply moisturizing creams before epilating as this will prevent the hairs from standing on end.

  • Try to avoid moving the device against the direction of hair growth. The strand will bend and may break below the surface of the skin as it's pulled backwards.

After Epilation Tips

  • Apply moisturizing cream after epilating to help smooth rough skin.

  • Avoid the use of any clogging oil-based lotions as this may plug the tender pores and result in pimples.

  • Exfoliate with a loofah or bath sponge to remove dry skin and to avoid ingrown hairs.

is a convenient technique. Follow these epilating tips to help reduce the pain as much as possible.





About Help for Hair Removal:
This website offers tips on treatment options for both men and women. Learn about the various alternatives for removing unwanted body hair so that you can decide which option you might want to try.